Monday, September 13, 2010

Half way there!

So tonight marks the official half way point of this raw foods business.  I have to say overall it's not bad, I'm not suffering, and really haven't had any cravings for things I'm not allowed to eat.  The whole point of this was to challenge myself' which did happen last night!  Sunday night is pizza night at our house and it was a little hard to watch the 3 boys enjoy their hot, fresh, delicious, crispy, cheesy pizza.  But hey, it gave me an opportunity to resist and it was a success!  I've had several opportunities to cheat when nobody's looking and can honestly say it hasn't happened once- you're welcome body.  

My point being, it's all going pretty well as long as I don't think about Chipotle's chicken bowl or Pei Wei's honey seared chicken with brown rice..... wait, where am I?  Oh yes, resisting temptation (ah-hem!)  

Half way there pros: I'm feeling great!  My body is being fueled the way it should be and I can really tell a difference!  Cons: I'm trying to remember what food tastes like warm?  

Lastly, my husband opened the fridge and asked what we were having for dinner, then before I could answer he said "oh yeah nevermind, your not eating real food".   We both laughed, and I think I hit him saying, "I'm the only one here eating real food!"  So, must carry on- half way there- 5 days left- you can do it Amanda!  (That was my pep talk to myself).  My next post will be at the end of day 10 and I just hope I'm not crawling to the computer saying "just give me meat, carbs, desserts, and something crunchy!"  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! Maybe if you try this again sometime I'll do it with you. Maybe I'll just try on my own sometime regardless...
